Tuesday, 27 January 2009

...The Ardent Awaited Land

The I re-read my last post and it wasn't that funny really, so I'll try to make this one better.

On Friday, I forgot to mention, Atli and I were standing on the site, gossiping, when Bjarki stuck his head out of the basement and shouted us over. 'Come and look at this cat!' he said. 'Ooooh' I thought 'I like cats, maybe one has got on to site and it's a friendly little mog that needs some love.' Atli and I hurried over to the basement excitedly to pet the little kitty. Imagine my disappointment when we were confronted with the sight of the Fish Bone Expert (or whatever she's called) cutting up the recently deceased corpse of a cat she'd found somewhere. It wasn't really what I was expecting. In fact I have no idea why a Fish Bone Expert was cutting up a cat, maybe to find fish bones in its stomach. Yesterday Igor told me she was cutting up the bodies of a duck and a swan, she'd procured from the pond. As far as I was aware killing Swans was illegal. At least I think it is in England, unless you're the Queen and you need their necks to wipe your arse on, or whatever it is she does with them.

Iceland has descended into anarchy, with the Government being dissolved, the protesters have won. Instead of going home they were all still out yesterday banging drums in celebration this time! Of course Björgvin was there, banging the lampposts like there was no tomorrow. This time without his scarf disguise, no need for disguises when Big Brother is no longer watching you.

I mentioned that I saw Elephant over the weekend (the film, not the animal, do try to keep up at the back.), it's excellent. I recommend it to everyone. If you don't know it's based on the Colombine Killings and has a largely unknown cast of kids. The direction is amazing especially the final tracking shot that goes on for maybe five minutes.

Duncan is back today so I handed over the reigns of frustration to him. It's now his job to tell people not to walk on cleaned areas, no matter how long ago they were cleaned. I can go back to listening to my MP3 player and trowelling endless layers of shit...