What I will tell you about is... Tomorrow is my last day with Onsite, at least for the foreseeable future. The last couple of days have been pretty good. I have been digging out a large feature. But I have no idea what it is, so if you have any ideas, please let me know. But anyway, I found a fuck load of Roman pottery in it. Not only that but some of it was Samian ware. 'No shit!' I hear you say, but wait, there's more! It was not only Samian, but... Drum Roll... it was decorated! HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Yes, that's right, it was decorated. I couldn't believe it myself. We all had a look at it and it has two horses on it along with a wheel, so we reckon it's most likely a charioteer scene. Just like Ben Hur!

How I imagine the picture on the rest of the pot looks...
Anyway, I mention this because it beats the piece of shit Samain that Sir Stanners found the other week. Then he was all getting in my face about quality over quantity. I said now I've got quality and quantity, so shove that in your pipe and smoke it, you posh bastard.

Stanner's approach to modern professional archaeology
Speaking of professional approaches to modern archaeology, one of my sources (Deep Trowel) is working in Humberside (they want to call it East Yorkshire again, but if they change their name to Humberside once, they can fucking stick with it). He is having 'difficulties' with the staff there and their general lack of interest in the job. This is coupled with the fact that one of them is a pre-op transsexual who demanded his/her own toilet and vanity mirror, another turned up to work one Monday after several of his teeth fell out over the weekend and some others are camping on the site like they think it's still 1983 and everyone is working for the Ministry of Works. When I asked how things were going I received the following text message off 'Deep Trowel':
It's like babysitting spastic alligators at feeding time in a room with no lights whilst a stereo blasts Motörhead with a chicken fillet stapled to your forehead.
Aren't you glad you don't work in archaeology?