Wednesday found me in the company of Danny, Bennet and Barnsey celebrating Danny's birthday with several J2Os on my part. I was pretty under the weather and was under the impression that we'd meet at 2.30 for 'a couple of drinks'. It was 9.30 by the time I dropped everyone off and was eating Pizza with Danny and Jaime. What had preceded was an afternoon of arguments over top six bands, arguments over darts, arguments over pool, drawings of cocks on pub blackboards and general drunkenness on the part of the others.

I couldn't find a picture to illustrate Danny's birthday, so here's a nice festive picture instead
Then... Friday was Aleisha's leaving do. She's off back to America for good, so all the York PhD set were out to say goodbye. After battling a massive gridlock on the A1 I finally reached York and met up with everyone. Again another good night was had, where I managed to avoid talking to people about what their PhD subject was and talked about Guns, films, Herr Docktor Clay's plans for racial 'purification' of Greater Germany and music. In fact, this guy I'd never met before called Dave and I were talking about music so enthusiastically it was catching the attention of the rest of the group who seemed perplexed that someone could talk about anything else BUT their PhD subject. I ended the evening by talking shit to Aleisha and Chloe in their place until four in the morning when I fell asleep on the couch and woke up to the Siberian chill that seems to pervade their house.
Again, here's another Festive photograph
Saturday morning consisted of pushing my way through the madding crowds in York centre and meeting Herr Docktor Clay all too briefly over a Gourmet Burger. A hungover drive later I picked Dave up to set off back up the M1 to Leeds to go and see MONSTER FUCKING MAGNET. I was almost on the edge of not going as I felt rough from the night before, but Mainy was relying on me for a lift and I was looking forward to seeing them anyway. Fuck me, I wasn't disappointed. They kicked off with Dopes To Infinity and proceeded to play some of their best stuff, Zodiac Lung, Twin Earth, Powertrip, Spacelord, Third Alternative, Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Tractor amongst others. What made it though was the Hawkwind cover of the Right Stuff segueing into Longhair and the grand finale of Spine of God. Wyndorf's fat now after the overdose rehabilitation, but he still fucking rocks! It was a Dragstrip to Eternity, Baby!!