Monday, 9 February 2009

Of Forests Unknown

Some of you asked about the midden layers, so I'm going to tell you all about them. OK, so I'll assume that some of you reading this are not archaeologists and may not know what a midden even is. It is basically a dump of shit, dumped by people in the olden days, which is then covered up and waits for people like me to find it, using the cutting edge technology that is a JCB or a trowel.

We are using a Total Station Theodolite that has a sequential point number sequence. Which means as we continue along, the context numbers get larger and larger. So we have what look like unwieldy context numbers, but you soon get used to it.

The first layer was 67891, this was a reddish brown peaty layer, typified by it's firmness. The layer covered the North Eastern corner of the area C. Finds included an occasional amount of disarticulated animal bones, frequent charcoal flecks and moderate burnt bones. 67891 was laminated and gleyed. At it's maximum depth it was 0.13m deep.

Directly below 67891 was 68231 a greyish red silty turf. 68231 was soft and slightly friable. Localised in the North Eastern corner of area C it had a frequent amount of animal bones and medium sized stones. The maximum depth for 68231 was 0.03m.

Underneath 67891 but unconnected to 68231 was 69174 a reddish grey peaty turf layer. There was a frequent amount of fish bones and a moderate amount of stones. 69174 was a zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....................................

Atli found a tiny shoe at work yesterday, it was about four inches long. This led to a discusion about the significance of it. We formulated several theories.

1) There was a man in Reykjavik in the middle ages with one normal leg and one withered leg who lost his shoe.

2) In Reykjavik in the Olden Days there was a fairy.

3) In Reykjavik in the Olden Days there was a child.

4) In Reykjavik in the Olden Days there was at least half a child.

Choose your favourite. Mine is number four.

Here is some much more interesting news, I went to see Valkyrie on Sunday. Go and see it. It's excellent. I know what you're going to say 'Oh it's Tom Cruise, I don't like him, he's into that crazy religion, Scientisticus or whatever it's called.' Ignore that and go and see it. It's about the July Bomb plot against Hitler and Cruise plays Von Stauffenberg and plays it well. He is also supported by an excellent cast of mainly British actors, including a pretty good Eddie Izzard (a mediocre comic, but a decent actor...). Needless to say the bomb plot failed and Hitler survived to win the war in Europe and become head of a Master Race dominated Super Power. I'm sorry of that last bit spoils the end for you, just don't read it if you want to see the movie. Valkyrie is to me a Hollywood version of Der Untergang, which is one of my favourite films of all time. Valkyrie doesn't come anywhere close to the brilliance of Der Untergang, but it makes a damn good attempt. Also I actually got quite excited in the opening scenes where I spotted what looked like a Panzer IV F.

It does appear to be my fate that every time I go to see a movie in Iceland there is some part of it not in English. The Day the World Stood Still had a conversation in Chinese, Quantum of Solace had larges parts in Spanish. Valkyrie begins with Cruise speaking in German. In all these cases the non English parts were translated in Icelandic subtitles, so I sat there scratching my head wondering what was going on. I hope I didn't miss any vital plot lines...

Jo got back on Sunday, hooray!!

Response to Dr. Clay

Dr. John Clay has published in his Blog a pack of downright lies and misinformation about several weeks during which I was resident at his house in York. In his post he claims that I was abusive and violent towards him and the household. It seems he has a problem with his memory, which is not surprising given how drunk he was during my stay. It was he rather than me that was the abuser. I only wish I was able to stand up to his daily batterings and that I wouldn't have allowed the following to occur;

1) He would pace up and down outside my room ringing bells all night long. Sleep depravity was one of his favourite methods of torment.

2) He insisted on calling me 'Quentin' for the entire time I lived with him. The reasons for this are beyond me.

3) He locked me out of the house on several occasions, he then would call the Police and tell them there was a paedophile outside his house trying to get in. I was arrested three times for this and am still on the sex offenders register.

4) When I was getting milk out of the fridge he smashed the door shut on my head and repeatedly slammed it until I was unconscious.

5) When I was at work (He never worked, he just scrounged off the dole.) he threw all my belongings out of my room and into the street. After urinating on them he tried to burn them, I only stopped him because I had been sent home from work early due to lack of sleep (see number 1).

6) He flooded my room and ran an electric current through the water just so he could 'watch me dance'.

7) He stole the neighbour's car and ran me over.

8) He punched me so hard in the face it broke my eye socket and blinded me. When I returned from the hospital he had sold all my possessions and laughed while stamping on my fingers.

9) He would force me to wear a saddle and rode me to the shops like a pig.

There was much more than this, but my memory is blurred from all the abuse I took.