Wednesday, 1 April 2009


Continuing the theme of Bjarki's inappropriate behaviour, Bjarki, Atli and Lilja made a video for Fun Day, which they showed on Saturday. It was called 'Episode VII Revenge of the Brits' and was basically a piss take of everything that happens on site, from Angelos not getting into work until midday, Hrappi asking stupid questions about nothing ('Alex, what would you do if you woke up an you were Lilja?'), Hrappi being the biggest brit-licker on site, the inability of a some of us to use the total station, Sindre's explosive temprement, etc. I was chatting to the B man after the showing and he was telling me about the parts he wasn't allowed to leave in by Atli and Lilja. He had an idea for a skit based on him asking the German girl what her Grandfather had done in the war, they would look away all thoughtful, the scene would cut to the part in Schindler's List where the Nazis are herding the Jews into the gas chambers. It would cut back to the girl saying 'Oh nothing, he was to young to take part.' She would then ask Bjarki what his Grandfather did in the war. He would look away all thoughtful, the scene would cut to Bjarki's Grandfather shagging a sheep. It cuts back to him saying 'Oh nothing, he was too young to take part.'

What Bjarki think all Icelandic Granddads did in the war*

I spent Sunday in the company of Jo and The Lady In The Cage. It's a film, not a real lady in a cage. Jo hasn't been sent mad by the 24 hr Polar Light and started kidnapping people, don't worry. Well, not yet anyway... Maybe if she stayed in this fishing camp longer than five weeks she might. Anyway, it's a great movie staring a young James Caan, it's pretty brutal for its time and I recommend it. Jo then began watching Cleopatra (Which I was always under the mistaken idea that it was called Antony and Cleopatra), it's a four hour movie and I need lots of beauty sleep so I left her to it.

A lady in a cage, but not THE Lady In A Cage

Duncan was away on Monday and Tuesday so chaos reigned in Area C. There wasn't his calming and authoritarian figure to fall back on so very little was done. We fucked about half a ton of stones out of the tent, finally getting rid of the frigging things... They have been there for what seems like a life time and I think it's high time we got rid of them. Duncan doesn't agree and just wants to keep taking photos of them. Anyway, we did it when he was gone. Igor and I ripped the massive one out with the mini digger! IN YOUR FACE JESUS!!! See what happens when you go away for a holiday!!

Jo's photograph of the stones that aren't there anymore.... Note the large sacrificial stone on the right used for killing Polar Bears that don't have the right documentation

* Is this too far? I wasn't sure if this was in bad taste