Tuesday was an interesting night. I met a girl I have not seen for five years. We had left off on what could be called acrimonious terms back in 2006 but I heard over the weekend she had come a little unstuck in her personal life and I thought reconciliation may be in order, coincidentally she was now living half an hour down the road. She needed friends and as we were once close, I thought I'd man up, swallow my pride and see if she wanted to meet up for a little bit of friendly support. I passed on my details through a mutual friend and it turns out she did. It also turns out little has changed, the man she once married is still an arsehole (as I always thought) and her Top Five Celebrity Shags are still the same. I had a great evening with her talking shit, catching up and generally putting a big tick in the 'Good Alex' tick box; God knows, I need a few more of those right now.
I shit you not, today I had a text conversation with Tarquin Sheen that went like this:
Me: Your turn (this is a reference to Battlefield Academy, a turn based computer game we were playing)
Him: Who is this? How did you get my number? If you contact me again I'm calling the police.
Me: it IS the police
Him: In that case the guy you want is called alex sotheran, he lives in york. He can tell you were the bodies are. I had nothing to do with it.
Me: Funny, he said the same of you.
Him: All i did was drive the car. I didn't even know what was in the bin bag. He said he'd cut me up if i didn't help him. I'm as much a victim as those girls.
Me: The ones we are investigating aren't girls. Would you care to tell us more?
Him: Shit. I'm not saying anything until I see my lawyer.
Me: You will. We'll beat it out of you.
Him: You can't do this. I know my rights. This is police brutality.
Me: What rights did you show your victims?
Me: Erm. OK. Time out. This is not the police. I was just kidding. Jesus.
Him: Uh i knew that, i was joking too, i never killed anyone.
Me: We'll soon find out. I've forwarded this little conversation onto the police. It's up to them to find out the truth now.
I didn't hear another thing, so I'm guessing he's finally been rounded up.