'Then I told him to Fuck Off! I could hear him crying as I put the phone down! Cheers!'
There will be a couple of small spoilers in this next paragraph, so skip to just beyond the picture if you don't want to know them. The film was good, it had come recommended by Herr Doktor Clay. He'd told me it was depressing film with an uplifting end. I later asked him how he could call the impending bleak future faced by nuclear war survivors as an 'uplifting ending'. He said the guy didn't rape and eat his kid so that was uplifting in his book. It's a pretty depressing film throughout, not really a date movie, but damn good except for a few small points. Which I shall sum up for you now: Towards the end the man (non raper) and boy (non eaten) 'befriend' a kindly blind old man, who is white. A little later they are then robbed completely by a black man. I thought this to be slightly playing up to racial stereotypes a little. Mind you, I would probably complain if it was the other way around saying the PC brigade had had their hands all over it. There was also a scene where the man (non raping non cannibal) is shot in the leg by a bow and arrow weidling survivor. But the scene just doesn't go anywhere, except to add further complications to their quest.

The worst Nuclear Winter since records began
One final, quite minor point (not a spoiler), but enough to wind me up, was that every skeleton that they came across was fully articulated. The rib cages standing up and all the bones connected by invisible tendons. This happens so often in films and it really winds me up. Once a body has decomposed there is nothing left to support the bones and they collapse in a heap. As an archaeologist I probably see this more than most, but I would have thought it was obvious to the layman as well. I know in films it's done for dramatic effect, but it still looks pretty fucking stupid. Besides this minor infraction the film is a frightening, depressing and realistic portrayal of the aftermath of a Nuclear Holocaust. It also has Charlize Theron in it, which is always a good reason to see a film.
Other than that I have moved into selling guitar pedals, well, buying two off Dave and selling them on at a profit. It works out well for both of us. He gets cash in hand to throw at strippers and I get money for when I need it. In a similar vein I have been trying to track down Colin to buy some books off him, but getting hold of Colin is akin to mucking out the rocking horse stables. Despite an email, a text message, a answer phone message and even sending Lauren after him, he has failed to emerge. Tomorrow is another day and hope springs eternal in the quest for the Magical Golden Mane. I might just fill his inbox up with abuse.

'Colin! Answer your fucking phone!'