Friday, 22 May 2009

From the Heart of Hell I Stab at Thee

The Wednesday off meant that I could go into town and buy cheap envelopes for my ever expanding EBay empire. I have finally started selling the Osprey Books I bought last year and already they are showing promise for a lucrative return. Over breakfast on Thursday morning I looked at the weather news in York and saw that it said heavy rain in the morning, light rain in the early afternoon and heavy rain for the rest of the day. We got to work and the rain started. It belted it down and soon we were sliding all over the site like Torvill and Dean, Steve, the Project Director asked me if I'd seen the weather and I answered truthfully what I had seen that morning. With this information he decided to close site for the day. We packed up, got all the tools into the cabin, locked up and... the rain stopped. The clouds lifted and the sun came out. By this time all the students had disappeared so we couldn't go back to work. The first thing Steve said to me on Friday was 'I'm not talking to you'.

Area 2; 21st May 2009; 9.45am

Cleo the cat hates me. There is a cat in the house and she hates me. I can't do anything to change her mind. I try to feed her, pick her up to stroke her, play loud Black Metal at her, shout at her. Nothing works. But she's all over John like a rash. She can't get enough of him and he hates cats. It just goes to show you how fickle women are.

Evil, pure evil...