Look! It's me! On the fucking Telly!!
Over this past weekend I went to see District 9 with Mark, Sarah, Lauren and Steve. Beforehand we went for a meal, it was quite an adult evening really. The waitress was taking her sweet ass time over clearing the table, however, and I got to wondering what would happen if I was to just sweep the entire table top onto the floor. If you had every intention of paying, could they throw you out? I mean, it's not like you would be causing trouble, just clearing your table. One quick sweep and it would all be over and in a way you'd be helping the waiting staff, especially during busy times. In the end I didn't do it anyway, we paid the bill and left meekly. Like good customers should. Even with Lauren's heel coming off her shoe.

Waiter! Bill Please!
District 9 is great, I won't tell you anymore about it, except go and see it. On Sunday I drove up to Bolsterstone to drop in on Tim and his excavation there. I had heard he was having a cake and arse party up there and everyone was invited. I wasn't disappointed, the first thing I saw was that his main trench was butted up against a house wall. Now, call me stupid, but the last thing I would want to do is undermine a house side. Luckily his other trench was in a better position, health and safety wise, but he had decided to excavate around the roots of a tree. Again, my reasoning would be: gauge the size of the tree roots by the size of it's crown and dig in an area where the roots were likely NOT to be... I suggested both of these points to Tim, but as usual my recommendations fell on deaf ears. I then pressed him on his record keeping and he started shuffling his feet like a scolded schoolboy. In all actuality I wasn't interested in the Bolsterstone's dig records or even the archaeology there. It was Sunday for Christ's sake and I wasn't at work. I really called up to see Tim and whoever else happened to be there that day. I gave Tim a lift back to his house and Yuki, his wife, gave me some Japanese Cakes, which were lovely. I also was given a tour of the lair of the beast, where Tim paints his toy soldiers. After Amelia had ripped my hoody to shreds I left for home.