Monday, 30 March 2009
At my door the leaves are falling
A cold wild wind Will come
Sweethearts walk by together
And I still miss someone
I go out on a party
And look for a little fun
But I find a darkened corner
'Cause I still miss someone
Oh, no I never got over those blues eyes
I see them every where
I miss those arms that held me
When all the love was there
I wonder if she's sorry
For leavin' what we'd begun
There's someone for me somewhere
And I still miss someone
Oh, no I never got over those blues eyes
I see them every where
I miss those arms that held me
When all the love was there
I wonder if she's sorry
For leavin' what we'd begun
There's someone for me somewhere
And I still miss someone
and I still miss someone
Friday, 27 March 2009
'What did your other grandfather do in the war?'
What Bjarki thinks all German Granddads did in the war...*
Saturday was the annual festival held for the company employers. I've been going around calling it Fun Day, an there is an earlier post all about the troubles we've had leading up to it here. Anyway, I went out Friday night to help Roz's brother settle into the Reykjavik nightlife and was out til 4.00am, so I wasn't feeling the best when I awoke about 10 the following morning to go Paintballing with the crew. But I've got to say, I'm glad I did and that it was the best Fun Day EVER! After paintballing we went bowling and then headed over to Vala's for dinner cooked by a couple of chef friends of Bjarki's. The evening got messy, we were shown an excellent video made by Atli, Lilja and Bjarki about the madness on site. The impressions of everyone were spot on... The night was wrapped up by Jo and I duetting on Singstar until we were coughing up blood.
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
its been great livin with u. Will miss havin u around in the evenings. I hope the pad works out. If u ever need a beer, or a cup at our place and a chat then just say the word. Peace. D
The following one was sent straight after the disastrous Sudoku gig on Saturday at about 4.00am:
Sorry if I fucked things up the computer. Didn't know how to stop the f ucker [sic] mid song. Away that was a massive step up in class with the other bands. Don't Lose heart. Cheers 4 lettin me play. D

The Church of Latter Day Saints of Duncan Alexander awaits your call!!
Monday, 23 March 2009
Naglfar / Ragnarok

Saturday, 21 March 2009
Kledd I Brynje Og Smykket Blodorm

Lauren, Steve and I were at Dimmuborgir and were looking at a mountain shrouded in mist in the distance. Lauren said 'it looks like caayke (cake with a Sheffield accent)', Steve started boring us to death with his brainiac 'scientific' explanations of water droplets reacting with the mountainside. I instantly thought it was a load of evil wizards boiling their cauldrons on the top of the mountain. Which just goes to demonstrate how I view things now. Having said all that, I am far more interested in the trolls than the elves and the rest. The faeries and elves don't really do much except hang out around rocks, preen themselves like peacocks and try to dupe you into marriage. Pretty much like most of the residents of Reykjavik. Trolls seem to have something more about them. Back at Dimmuborgir it felt very eerie and our imagination ran away with us. The place looks like a Troll Palace anyway, but when your there alone and wading through knee high snow the prospect of a troll suddenly rearing up is a very frightening one indeed. I've seen trolls that have been turned to rock by the sunlight, there is a couple down on the Reykjanes Peninsular and a few off the gravel road outside Keflavik. So they definitely exist.

Thursday, 19 March 2009
The Frozen North of Ultima Thule
After picking up a car on Saturday morning we headed out on the well trod path of the Golden Circle, after first of all going around the Reykjanes peninsular to see the bridge between continents, then getting the car stuck in the only patch of snow in the south-west of Iceland. After about an hour of attempting to dig the car out with the jack handle, three burly Russians appeared in a 4X4 and pushed the car out for us, completely emasculating Steve and I in the process. The rest of the Golden Circle tour occurred without incident except for Lauren and I standing upwind of Geysir and getting soaked. Neither of us were expecting that to happen. We thought better of visiting Þingvellir due to the failing light and the sideways snow being blown by a 100mph wind. Instead of going to Duncan's housewarming party (Roz ad Jo refused to have anything to do with it...) we crashed out early, ready to set off north in the morning.
After a quick tour around Þingvellir in far more agreeable circumstances than the previous day, we struck out north stopping at Borganes and the fantastic Egil's Saga Museum which turned out to be a brilliant but basic guide to Egll's Saga through the medium of wood. The best things were the Scorn Pole and the werewolf statue of Egil's Grandfather.
It took a while to find because the simple girl at the garage drew us the most random map of how to get there, then failed to even give us the map. The journey north continued and despite Steve's misgivings about the 'Road of Death' we arrived in Varmahlið alive. The hotel was empty except for us three and with the snow laid thick around outside it threatened to turn into a scene from The Shining. I'm sure I was woken up by someone scratching on the door whilst muttering 'Red Rum, Red Rum...'
Monday brought us to Akureyri and even further north to Húsavík, so Lauren could see the biggest collection of penises (penii?) in Iceland in the the Phallological Museum. She's always gasping for cock, that one. It turns out that the museum is shut for the winter, it must be something to do with the cold weather and the exhibits shrivelling up...
Lauren and Steve outside the Phallalogical Museum, closed due to Shrinkage
With a loss for anything else to do in Húsavík we visited the excellent Whale Museum which was being used by the local Derby & Joan (Derbyson & Joandóttir?) Club for their golf tournament. We learnt all about whaling, whale spotting and whale biology whilst dodging golf balls.
Golf? In a museum? Only in Iceland...
Om Nom Nom
Leaving the many varied sites of Húsavík behind (if I were in charge of the tourism in Húsavík, I think I would go with the town logo; 'Húsavík, at least it's not Olafsvik') we headed back south and took a wrong turn that dropped us outside of Dimmuborgir. We left the car on the road and began the descent into Hell. The snow was still very thick and was covering even the site gate when we arrived. The place was empty except for us three and we trudged through waist deep snow to try to reach the formation known as the Church. After exhausting ourselves just like Scott of the Antarctic we decided it would be best to turn back as Icelandic weather is not something to take for granted. Also, trolls can be a very real and present danger in a place like Dimmuborgir and I didn't fancy trying to outrun one knee deep in snow.
Lauren and Steve get ready to outrun Trolls at Dimmuborgir
With a late meal of Pizza in our bellies we headed to a bar for a drink, where Lauren was accosted by a farmer who liked her accent. I asked him if he was a snow farmer, which didn't go down very well. I crashed out in the semi-luxurious surroundings of the Hotel Akureryi and woke to a massive breakfast of cereals, toast and waffles. Well, you've got to gorge yourself when it's free.
A quick wade through more waist deep snow at Goðafoss and the pseudocraters at Skútustaðir, we called in to book a chalet at the Dimmuborgir Guesthouse. Promptly getting the car stuck again, this time in Volcanic ash rather than snow, we needed the assistance of the owner of the guesthouse to pull us out, whilst his dog ran around our toes with a log it seemed fixated on.
Not again Steve...
Hverir and it's otherworldly appearance were next on the list. After wondering what the fuck was going on at Hverir we spent the rest of the afternoon in the relaxing nature baths at Jarðböðin which we had to ourselves for the most part. The snow even lay thick around the baths, so Steve and I had fun rolling about in it then throwing ourselves into the 42 degree hot pots. The evening was spent eating pasta, playing cards and seeing how bad a loser Lauren is.
Lauren tried calling the Phallological Museum on Wednesday morning to see if the owner was back from Reykjavik yet. She told him she was gasping to see his Penis(es), but he wouldn't be back until late that day, so we decided to begin the long drive back to Reykjavik via Reykholt. We got to Reykholt late on, but the nice lady at the reception allowed us to stay as long as we wished after she found out I was an archaeologist. She even showed us the library upstairs and the apartment that students can use when staying there. She finished the personal guide with a quick tour of the church. all this and she didn't even charge me the entrance fee. A quick look at the hot springs at Deildartunghver later we headed back to Reykjavik only stopping for some food shopping. After a massive meal Duncan and Jo headed out to meet us in Dillon for a couple of drinks and we all fell into a deep and drunk sleep.
Thursday, 12 March 2009
My Friend Lilja

Lilja, on a six day Crystal Meth binge come-down
In other news, here are the film reviews, I watched Marylin Monroe in 'The Misfits' on DVD, the film after which one of my favourite bands are named. It's excellent, a great portrayal of human wreckage floating down the swollen river of life. Speaking of which, Monroe certainly looks swollen as she neared the end of her life, completely sozzled on pills and booze. Who killed Marylin? Was it the Kennedys? LAPD? Make it look like suicide, make it look like suicide.
The Misfits, the band, not the film...
If you want to see a film worse than Star Wars Episodes One through to Three then I thoroughly recommend Fan Boys. Sounds great on paper, four Star Wars fans drive across country to break into Skywalker Ranch to steal the pre-release version of 'Episode One, the Phantom Malaise'. I would have released a better film had I taken a shit on a piece of paper and set fire to it as the script. The film is so cheap and lame-ass that the producers didn't even secure the rights to the original score. Even the British TV show 'Spaced' managed to get a few bars of William's iconic tunes. I was really disappointed and so was Atli, because we forewent 'Play Date' to sit through nearly two hours of torture. The best thing in it was the Guards from THX1138. If that means nothing to you, then you are not bound by the Jedi creed and are no friend of mine.

What Jar Jar Binks thinks of Fan Boys, which says a lot...
Finally Milk, film of the year. I have been trying to work out which was better, Valkyrie or Milk and I think it's Milk. I like Valkyrie because of the content, but Milk is just a way better movie. The story is based on the San Fransisco Gay Rights Activist Harvey Milk. Having been a Dead Kennedys fan for more years than I can remember, this film filled in a few gaps in my knowledge. The Kennedys' reworking of The Clash's I Fought the Law and I Won, is directly about Milk and Dan White, his eventual assassin. The cover of the Dead Kennedys first Album 'Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables' has a picture of burning cop cars that were ignited during the 'White Riot'. These occurred following the judge's decision of giving White manslaughter charges rather than murder. There is even in the film the appearance of Anita Bryant, the Right-Wing Christian Zealot who opposed Gay Rights. She makes an appearance in the Dead Kenendys song 'Moral Majority' in the lines 'Ram it up your cunt Anita'. I never knew who that was referencing until I saw Milk. Go see the film, it's brilliant.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

The Best Pizza in Town, om nom nom...
After feasting ourselves stupid we all headed down to Sodoma, the new bar that was opening that night. A live venue that Reykjavik desperately needs. Sudoku are also going to play there as well in couple of weeks, so I wanted to check the place out. To be perfectly honest I don't actually remember much about the evening, except seeing a Natalie Portman look alike and bitterly regretting not having talked to her and getting some guys number who was chatting Jo up. Why I ended up with his number and why I ended up putting it in as 'Cow Bell Ninja' on my phone is beyond my recollection. I think it may have had something to do with the bottle of rum we polished off before leaving the house, maybe the free beer at Sodoma, or maybe the bottle of nail polish remover that Jo dropped in the house before we left.
I crashed on the futon in their front room and made my way slowly back to my own place the next day. I was out again on Saturday, it was the annual university dinner/dance and as most of the people from site were going I decided to head along myself. It was a good laugh in the end, the meal was good and plentiful, the dancing lively and the students chatty. There was an overall 'Hollywood' theme, I had been telling everyone that I was going to go as Marylin Monroe. In the event I couldn't find a dress that matched my eyes, so I just dusted off Becky's Wedding shirt. Not the shirt Becky wore at her wedding, but the shirt I wore at Becky's wedding, if you know what I mean?Here is a link to the Google video of the full second show by Sudoku:
Sudoku Live!!
Finally, Jo was working on a song about archaeology, here it is, sung to the tune of Que Sera Sera:
When I was just a teenager
I asked myself what shall I be
Shall I be pretty
Shall I be clean
Here’s what I chose to be…
How fucking insane of me
Its so very shit to be…
Later on I found out just
What the profession could offer me
Pretty much nothing
Nadda and nil
A life of lethargy
my mediocrity
An eternal travesty…
After ten years of miserable hell
I finally realised what was the fee
Of all the minutes
Hours and days
Spent down on bended knee
Will be the death of me
For it’s the psychology…
Saturday, 7 March 2009
Holy Shit, what a week. We have an impending 'enforced fun day' coming up. You know what I mean, everybody gets together to do some team building activities for the day then retires for a meal and gets drunk and it ends up with everybody telling everybody else what they actually think of them. I was OK with this idea if it was only happening on one day. Yesterday Bjarki unleashed a shit storm by telling us that they (The Fun Day Committee) had decided that we would all be going to a Summer House and staying over the weekend. I immediately refused. One day is fine, but an overnight stay means I have lost a weekend. We then got into a very bad tempered argument where I had to end defending my personal reasons for not wanting to spend a weekend with the people I have just spent the preceding and following five days (a total of twelve days straight) working with in an 8m by 15m tent (We measured it today). I like everyone on site with the exception of one person, (having said that I can tolerate them as long as we don't spend too much time in each others company) but the idea of spending my weekend in the middle of nowhere with the same people is my idea of Hell. I have been working in this career for the better part of ten years. Between ten and about six years ago I would have been the first to be up for this kind of activity. Now I am tired of the this hobo lifestyle that I lead, I am not happy with my particular situation but I have to put up with it. This is like an away job where I am not allowed to go home at weekends. Everyone else on site (With the exception of the foreign workers) can go back to their homes and other friends each and every night. I go home to someone else's house where my only possessions are what I can carry in a suitcase. My friends are ones I work with everyday and as good and nice as all these people are it is bliss when the weekend rolls around and I am allowed my own personal space. I am continually surrounded by and reminded of work so to slightly escape it for even two days is heaven. Maybe I'm a grumpy old man, I don't care, I know what I like and I don't like being forced to have 'fun' in the middle of nowhere with no escape routes. It turned out in the end that the committee had decided no such thing but had simply put the idea of a summer house on the table. Bjarki and I made our peace, so it was OK in the end.
Thingtak played on Thursday night, they were playing with about four other bands of which the best was a group of fifteen year old lads, who played old bluesy rock covers but finished by playing the Dwarves 'I Wanna Be Your Pimp'. I ran into Ragnar from Skorpulifur who Sudoku supported the other week. He had a copy of the Icelandic glossy Celebrity gossip magazine 'Séđ Og Heyrt' (I have no idea what this means, any Icelandics reading, please let me know). There had been a photographer from the magazine at the gig and they had run an article on Skorpulifur in which Hannes, the singer, mentioned Sudoku. It went along the lines of; we played a few times with Sudoku a Ninja Metal band from Britain who wear Ninja outfits on stage.. Brilliant, thanks lads.
Monday, 2 March 2009
Jo and I were supposed to go to a Tantric Sex lesson on Wednesday. We had met for lunch the previous Sunday in a fucking Vegan cafe and found a leaflet for it. Jo was taunting me with it, then changed her mind and said she'd go. The course was for singles as well as couples, so it was fine for us to go and it seemed like something to do on a Wednesday night rather than watching the new episodes of 90210 and Britain's Next Top Model. The leaflet said there would be no physical contact or nudity, which as Lauren pointed out, was just yoga. I told Jo was going to run into the room where the course was being held and shout 'Which one is mine?' It was about this time Jo was having second thoughts about going with me and made me promise I wasn't allowed to embarrass her. The course was run by Magdelena and 'Seraphim'. What kind of name is that? This one reason fucking hippies and new-agers annoy the shit out of me. I can't even begin to imagine coming up with such a presumptuous name for myself; 'What's the most conceited name I can think of, ooh, I know, I'm name myself after some angels. That will make people think I'm really heavenly and beautiful.' I bet his real name is Clive.
Anyway, in the event the place the course was being held at was way out of town and we had no way of getting there, so we didn't go and I never got to meet 'Seraphim' or Clive or whatever he calls himself this week. I was slightly relieved that we didn't go, after already having dined at a Vegan restaurant, a visit to a yoga workshop would have been the beginnings of the slippery slope into hippydom for me. And nobody wants that. We have no car and it would have been a three day trek just to reach the course centre. Since 99% of Icelanders have cars everything is spread out all over the Reykjavik peninsular. An example of this is there are no shops in the centre of town that are of any use the the layman. There's shops selling ridiculously expensive fleeces and hats to dumb tourists (66 Degree North and Cintimani) that were made for nothing in Chinese sweatshops. There are shops selling more affordable tourist tat, like statues of trolls wearing 'Viking' helmets and t-shirts with humorous logos on such as 'Cod War Survivor'. There are endless clothes shops selling the latest in Icelandic fashion, i.e. Black. But nothing useful like a telephone shop or an electrical store. Anything useful is at out of town complexes or the shopping maul that is Kringlan, where Angelos and I had to go to set up the internet in the house.
Poor old Duncan attracts a certain amount of interest from certain 'parties', like for instance that strange Greenlander in the English Pub just before Christ's Mass. The strangest though has to be the weird guy who comes and looks over the fence at the site and chats to Bjarki. This guy has been keeping an eye on our work for while now. He seems to know an awful lot about us. He told Bjarki that he doesn't go anywhere without his gun, when Bjarki challenged him on this and asked to see the weapon in question the guy told him he'd left it home that particular day. The last time he was at the site, again, involved in a conversation with Bjarki, he let it slip that Duncan was not actually English at all but was a Serbian. Not only that, he was a Serbian War Criminal, on the run from international justice. I guess working as an archaeologist on a high profile government funded excavation in the centre of a small capital city where people notice new residents pretty easily is the best place to hide out if you are wanted for war crimes in your own country. The guy knew it because he had been compiling a dossier on Duncan that is as thick as your arm.


A Serbian War Criminal. Spot the Difference.