Over the weekend I watched 'Metallica, Some Kind Of Monster', the documentary following the breakdown of the Metal band Metallica. It was fucking hilarious, but what struck me was after listening to two hours of listening to Lars (Ulrich, Drums) spouting Psychobabble the most interesting thing I found myself concentrating on was Kirk (Hammett, Guitars) eating a Burrito. It was amazing. He spread the nachos out on his plate in a little crescent, even neatening them up so they sat around the edge of the plate. Attention to small details which is definitely shown through his high paced and intricate soloing on songs such as 'Dyers Eve'. He then took the burrito and cut it in half with a knife. From one half he spooned out a small amount of some unknown substance and smeared it into the other half. Brilliant, compulsive viewing. In all semi-seriousness, it struck me as interesting because it isn't often you get to see big stars doing mundane actions, such as eating, taking their kids to ballet and the like. To me, growing up, Metallica did nothing but play METAL and drink BEER. I never considered the fact that they need to eat to live.
It was the Icelandic Elections this weekend, the first since the Independence Party led coalition government bummed the entire country into debt. I was out on Saturday night in Dillon and there was a computer set up showing the results as they came in. I got chatting to some guy and he was explaining what the different colours represented. Now, call me stupid, but I would have thought that if a party like the Independence Party had fucked the country up so Royally as they did, then people would have lost faith in them. But oh no, not the fucking sheep that live in this country. The Independence Party ran in second place all through the election, they were only beaten by the party they were in a coalition with when they bum fucked the country. I have lost complete faith in the Icelandic population due to this result, not that I had much anyway. It's the same as a school bully throwing a rock in your face then demanding that you pick it up for them to do it again. Revolution was in their grasp and the idiots let it go...

Vote for the Independence Party!!
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