Stand up and be counted my adoring readers!
I've asked this before and I'm going to ask it again. I would like it, if you get the end of this post, that you could leave me a comment. You can leave it anonymously if you like, but I'd rather know the names of my readers. I have stalker software installed on this blog anyway so I know how many people are visiting it. Do me a favour. I write this for free and you read it, so do something for me. Thanks.
This blog started with Craig asking me to write about my time in Iceland and since it's start up to today I have had 2,114 unique visitors. Now, far be it for me to say that each one has returned to read more, but I'm sure some of those people have. The other none-returners have probably seen the subject matter is mainly archaeology and fled in terror. Like any right-minded person would... Be that as it may, lets have a look at the kind of people who are coming across this blog. A large portion of you are coming through Facebook; actually 38.88% are using the social networking site to get here, so that means that you know me personally. I only add people on Facebook whom I have met face to face, except for a couple of exceptions, so you know me and I know you. Actually this isn't a surprise as I update my status on Facebook with the new postings. It's the only thing that Facebook is useful for. I am actually only on Facebook because of a woman I knew, who has now deleted me as a 'friend', invited me to join it and now, like a mobile phone, it's impossible to get rid of (Facebook, not the woman...). Enough of my personal life, let's get to analyzing the people who are literally queuing up to get into this blog...

'So what's all the fuss about this here blog then?'
'Well I heard it was a witty look at the world of archaeology'
'Really? Archaeology? What the fuck have I been doing wasting my time waiting here for? I'm off to read something far more funny like Metal Inquisition!'
'Well I heard it was a witty look at the world of archaeology'
'Really? Archaeology? What the fuck have I been doing wasting my time waiting here for? I'm off to read something far more funny like Metal Inquisition!'
The more 'interesting' people are dropping in from Search Engines. Obviously the largest amounts of hits I am getting are coming through the keyword search ' In Girum Imus Nocte et Consumimur Igni'. Again, pretty obvious, as are the keyword searches 'alex sotheran', ' alexsotheran iceland', 'alex sotheran york' and 'alex sotheran blogspot' (all of which are in the top ten of the most searched for phrase). But these searches are far more 'me' specific and whoever is doing it knows who they are and what (or who) they are after. Now, I'm not trying to say you're stalking me or anything, but I'm on to you...

Is this you? Are you stalking me?
These stalker weirdos are not the only ones dropping on this blog, there are some decidedly odd people searching the Internet. I mean, really, who types 'i want to teach zulu kids something about metals you idiots' into a search engine and expects to get a decent result? It's really there, in at number 94:

alexsotheran.blogspot.com: Proudly helping teach Zulu kids about Metals since 2008
Even stranger, my records read that somebody did a search for 'indin big ticky' and found my blog. Whatever an indin big ticky is, they were obviously unsatisfied with the results they went back and further refined their search to 'indin big ticky womens sex'. Mind you, this yielded the same results and they were equally unimpressed as they didn't stay long according to the time of visit result.
I want indin big ticky and I want it now!
Even further out on the edge of human society are the people that found my blog with the following searches: 'clowns fucking', 'women fucking clowns', 'grandfather shagging' and far more specific and ominous, 'russian father fucking son'. I don't remember that particular patriarchal incestuous pederast posting that I wrote, but I hope they enjoyed it.

What someone was searching for, but not what they got...
OK, lets turn our attention to where you folks are all coming from. This truly is a global affair and the stalker software tells me that people in 69 separate countries have visited my blog:

The level of green shows how bored by my blog people are...
Given that there are considered to be 195 countries in the world at the moment, I have been visited by someone in 35% of the world. The UK is obviously the top one here, closely followed by the USA and Iceland. In Ireland, Canada and Italy I also seem to have a following. There is a lot of hits from Germany, but that is because it is currently the lair of Herr Docktor Clay, my Nemesis. None of these are surprising as I know someone living in each of the afore mentioned countries, but places like Hong Kong, the Philippines, Ecuador, the Faeroe Islands, Japan, Venezuela, Macau SAR China and a whole rake of other places leave me stumped to who is actually reading this. Do I know you, or am I being monitored by Venezuelan Death Squads in case I say something untoward about Chavez? If it's you, please let me know by leaving a comment below. Something I find difficult to picture is a group of peasants sitting on an collectivised farm in Novosibirsk the middle of Russia reading my blog, but according to my records it appears to have happened, at least once...

Sergei! come quick! There's a new post about how Tim has fucked up another register! ЛОЛ!
I don't think there's much more I can say about my blog visitors (except you must be crazy to keep coming back to read this shit...) so I've come to the end of my navel gazing (thank God, I hear you collectively sigh...), thanks for getting this far. For once this post was about you and not me so I will again ask you to leave a comment, anything, even if just to slag what you just read. Let me know you are here and reading...
Were the people searching for Russian incestuous porn the same ones acessing your blog from Russia??
And how many of your readers were that guy who was angry that you slagged off U2??
I still use your blog to keep track of the crazy things you are up to since you left York Alex. Nice to see your still making student archaeologists cry!
Happy birthday to your blog from one of the facebook followers, love your stats anaylsis!
I found your blog by googling 'alex sotheran twat'. More clown porn please.
ive been reading ur blog 4 about a month now alex lol!! its AWESOME except where you slag of U2 lol. but i dont just like u2 but other musc 2, eg Genesis, the Thrillls, .
a U2 fan but ALSO A FAN ot other music
Stop implying that I'm some kind of evil Nazi doctor you jerk.
Admittedly, I haven't been reading long, (since I only met you like last month), but your blog never ceases to provide me with numerous laughs. (Though I do feel a *little* bit sorry for poor Tim...)
Looking forward to hopefully reading many more of your insights into the world of archaeology and beyond! x
I'm reading your blog in my pants eating cheese puffs. From this position of authority I commend your work deriding U2. Keep up the good work. p.s. I enjoyed the HD effect, Those clown women are really something in HD... Pity the fools who don't have HD...
I only got a PC and an internet connection so that I could come online and read Alex's blog.
If Alex ever stopped writing it, I would kill myself.
Actually, I'd probably kill some of the neighbours first so that I'd be on the news (especially those whining little kids next door, God, I hate them) but I would then definitely kill myself, have no fear about that.
My favourite colour is green and my favourite breakfast cereal is Crunchy Nut Clusters, I hope this can be of some use in your growing collection of stats.
100 editions of your rantings. ummm well done I think!
You cannot imagine the excitement in our house when the family gather round to hear me read your blog aloud. Sometimes, on extremely quiet days down here in deepest darkest Sussex, our neighbours will pop in to escape their hum-drum lives and listen to the insane Northerner's ramblings.
We are grateful that you bring us news of important worldwide affairs, such as the heavy handed treatment of polar bears by Icelandic Immigration staff and the Royal Navy's new plan to employ Orcs. We have only one message, bring us more anti Mel Gibson/Bono rantings!!
P.S: IS this where Jesus was buried?
My sick old grandparents were so tired of life last year that they were planning to die together in a suicide pact. Life was just too painful for them, there was nothing to look forward to, they didn't want to waste away in a hospital somewhere. It seemed better just to end it.
Then I told them about your blog, and it's become the only thing that keeps them going from day to day.
Thank you Alex. Thank you for saving two precious lives.
Alright Alex. I'm drunk and listening so some Ensiferum... I read your blog whenever I want to feel better about myself. Thankyou for your pointless existence.
A man with a gun and his cock out came round and made me put a comment on this blog. So here it is.
Was the man wearing a mask and did he have a Rotherham accent?
we are both archaeologists and like metal. let's get married.
My dear Mr. Sotheran,
I am sadly vexed to have missed all the clown porn and incestuous Russians on your site...
Mrs. Lily Roth
Hey Alex,
Just finished reading your blog post, missed the last two, and as always they're quality. The stats report was intriguing, but hugely amusing.
I'll be looking forward to more of your posts, so keep them coming lol. Btw, happy 100th birthday!!
well, with nothing to do i resort to your posts. they keep me entertained for a min or two until i switch the tv on.
Where the fuck are my clown fuckin pics? asshole.
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