Oh No! No to Snow!
as I've been pretty much confined to the house due to the snow, I've been doing what I normally don't do. That is, watch TV, not only have I become consumed by the Jeremy Kyle Show, but I've slipped into Come Dine With Me. I have to do something to break this downward spiral up so I have also been watching the entire output of the Flight of the Conchords. I've exhausted that avenue of entertainment and will now have to turn to the two Kurosawa films I was bought for Christ's Mess. I'd go out sledging, if I had a sledge and some friends to go with.

'Can I come and play on your sledge with you?'
'Fuck off!'
'Fuck off!'
With not much else to tell you, I thought I tell you a couple of jokes. The first one I told to Jamey over Facebook and she said I had to put it in this blog. The second I found when searching for a translation of the Funniest Joke Every Told in the Monty Python sketch of the same name. This second one actually made me literally laugh out loud for about two minutes. Let me know which you prefer...
A woman is giving birth and the midwife takes the baby, looks at it and says to the woman 'There's some good news and some bad news'
The woman says 'OK, what's the bad news?'
'Well,' says the midwife 'Your baby is ginger.'
The woman says 'Well what's the good news then?'
'The good news' says the midwife 'is that it's dead.'
Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He doesn't seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps, "My friend is dead! What can I do?". The operator says "Calm down. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead." There is a silence, then a shot is heard. Back on the phone, the guy says "OK, now what?"
i wonder how they go on in canada when it snows there. i bet there isnt a mass panic and people fighting over the last bottle of HP sauce at the supermarket. i just went from rotherham, to wombwell, to barnsley, to sheffield, and back again in no time at all. the stay at homers are taking the piss.
I thought the Supertram in Sheffield was derailed and set alight every week?
I agree with Al, back in the fifties, my grandparents had to hike 50 miles uphill each way through neck deep snow just to get to work every day, and they never complained. Much. What we need round here is a proper war to give us back that Blitz spirit.
Yes, it used to snow heavily all the time in South Africa. Tons of the bloody stuff.
Boys, I completely agree. What they do in Canada and Iceland and other places that get heavy snowfall is NOT PANIC. The thing is though the UK only gets weather like this not very often, so it is uneconomical for councils to be storing large amounts of grit/salt. The problem is people panicking because there is some snow fall. Deal with it, suck it up. It will melt a few days and then they'll be able to get to shops again.
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