I digress. Six hours after having set off I finally pulled up outside Jervis Cottages in Steyning. Justin was already half cut and had gnawed his arm off waiting for me to arrive so he could eat. The three of us (Justin, Lucy and I) piled down to the local Indian as quick as our little feet could carry us. Justin and I proceeded to drink our own body weights in BOOZE and we all hit the hay ready for the off the following morning.

Steyning never knew what hit it!
At the crack of sparrows the next morning Lucy stayed behind, the incredibly tempting offer of gawping at armoured killing machines couldn't pull her away from writing a lecture she is giving this week. Her loss. Undeterred and with the siren's call of TANKS in our ears Justin and I drove our hungover selves to Southampton. Having located Frida's digs we drove up and down her incredibly small laned road about eight times before we found a way to access her house. After a well needed cup of tea and a quick catch up the three intrepid Panzerjägers set off further West. We arrived at our Mecca, Bovington Tank Museum. I had been a few years ago, but since then there has been a massive multi million pound overhaul of the place. A lot of the exhibits had been moved into the new place and we spent about two hours walking around the other tanks wondering where the likes of the Panther, Little Willy, the DD Sherman and the FUCKING TIGER were.
After leaning on and denting the Italian tanks, we realised there was a whole new hall to explore, the Story of the Tank. After brainwashing Frida into Tiger worship it was soon time to leave. We'd been dribbling over the Panzers for too long and the place was closing.
'Top five tanks, Frida?'
'Errr, Tiger, Tiger, Tiger, Tiger and erm.. Tiger!'
'Good girl.'
'Errr, Tiger, Tiger, Tiger, Tiger and erm.. Tiger!'
'Good girl.'
Frida had told us about a Mexican restaurant in Southampton that we were keen to try out. So we set off for the fifteen minute walk (according to Frida) to the place. About half an hour later we arrived only to be told it was a set menu for Valentine's. The vegetarian choice being buried under a mountain of cheese was no good for Justin's vegan ways. The Thai place over the road told us 'Couples only!' so the only choice was to trudge the ten minutes back up the road to another Thai place, again enforcing the couples only rule. Back down the road we walked until we came upon an Indian place that made us wait for half an hour for a table. As it was our only option at this stage we took it. Back in the house, Frida gave Justin and I the front room to sleep in. She said it gets cold, and by Christ, she wasn't wrong. I think Scott and his Antarctic explorers didn't have to put up with such freezing temperatures that Justin and I endured. At one point in the night Justin got up to go to the toilet, I didn't expect him coming back; sacrificing himself as Oates did. I was fully dressed in my sleeping bag but the sub-zero temperatures kept me awake most of the night.

Frida attempts to revive us with tea and toast...
OK, that's it for this part, there's more to come later when we go on a failed hunt for the Mary Rose and HMS Victory!
*I forgot it was Valentine's weekend and when I realised my mistake, I asked Justin a few days before setting off if they had any plans and he said they don't celebrate it. Lucy confirmed this when I arrived, but I bet there was a dozen red roses waiting for her when she got home on Monday night with a note from J saying 'sorry...'
There's no such place as Twatshire.
The mary-rose shut at the end of last year...If you'd waited til I was in brighton to visit I could have saved you a trip to a very pricey museum and crap town!
Thanks for spoiling what was coming part two, Bob.
I like to do a good plot spoiler! as you've had your annual visit dahn sarf it is unlikely you'll remember to deck me for my insolence next time you're down...
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