So over a nice meal last night which lulled me in to a sense of false security, Tim and Cath announced that they were going to throw me out just before Christ's Mass. Yes, that's right, deep in the
Heart of Winter
they are going to turn me out into the streets. Talk about Christ's Mass cheer, talk about the season of goodwill to all men! I will probably have to find a bridge to sleep under and turn tricks for Sailors to get by.
$15, any ting you want...
They claimed it was something to do with inappropriate behaviour with Hüsker the cat. They said I'd been caught looking at his 'thing'. This was never proved, the cat was in my room but I am innocent of all indecency charges. But don't worry, I've been getting my own back all the time I've been here. I've been stealing their clothes and jewelry. I burnt all of Tim's
t-shirts and pawned all of Cath's necklaces. The fucker's can't throw me out without a fight.
Say goodbye, shitbag!
You are welcome to come and stay with me and War. You can look at the dog's thing all you want, and I'll pretend not to see.
Hüsker as in Hüsker Dü? You should have moved out on the basis of that, what a shit name for a cat. And you should have taken the cat with you...
I'd love to Kelly, but I think the commute from California to York might mean I'd have to get up before six every morning and I don't like that idea.
Craig, yes as in Hüsker Dü. I didn't name it, don't blame me.
I'd invite you to stay with me in Durham, but I don't like you.
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