Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Pearls before Swine

I received a letter from my mother. I opened it and saw a small post it note (it was one I brought back from Graceland, it has a picture of Elvis on it) attached to a newspaper article. I pulled the note out and read it. It said:

'This is the article I told you about. Do you know any of them? Mum x'

This is the article she meant. It was something about Heslington East, and yes I did know some of the people. The unfortunate thing was immediately after I read the post-it note I pulled the page out of the envelope and opened the newspaper sheet the wrong side up and was confronted with this article:



Unknown said...

I like this blog entry because it's funny but most of all because it's short.

Craig said...

I don't like this blog entry because it casts aspersions on my professional integrity.