U2 are playing in
Sheffield Arena. Normally this wouldn't be a problem. At least all the fucking
Moronic U2 fans are enclosed in one place, getting them off the streets. The problem is I was going to go to a site visit and introduction to the
Redmires POW camp community archaeology project. I have an active interest in
Battlefield Archaeology and, more recently, community projects along these lines, so this would have been a great opportunity for me. The fact the U2 are playing tonight means that I can't get across Sheffield for the meeting as the roads will be packed with
brainless oafs clamoring to sycophant in front of their idols. This is just one of another of a long list of reasons why I hate U2. Not that I needed many more anyway. I have always hated them to such a degree that I am unable to physically listen to their music in any form or another.
Johnny Cash did a cover of the U2 track 'One' on his
American III Solitary Man album. I immediately reach for the FWD button on my CD player when the first few notes begin, this is the only song that I ever do this with. It's like an
OCD reaction to it. A
Pavlovian response that has been drilled into me by a reaction against mediocrity. Because that's what U2 are, they are mediocre. No nonsense, straight line, stand up BORING. Not only is Boner a massive fucking hypocrite, what with preaching we should all be giving our hard earned money to the poor of the world, but then flying his
FUCKING HAT around the world in First class to the tune of a thousand pounds, but he has no talent or originality. The band have found their rut and are staying in it. They haven't developed a single bit in the 33 long years they've been going. The shit they first recorded sounds the same as the garbage they are dragging out now. I hate them and their lack of artistic movement with every inch of my being, if my rage were a gun I'd shove it down Boner's fucking throat and
pull the trigger until it goes click! Music is about dynamism, creativity, breaking barriers, just look at the brilliant
Faust for Christ's Sake! U2 fans wouldn't even know bands like this exist because they're happy with their safe, inoffensive idols. U2 make music for people who don't like music. U2 are a crime against humanity, act now! It's time to make
Boner History!
Stop the madness, say NO to U2! I had the weekend off after almost collapsing on Friday and didn't return to work until Monday. Happily the site hadn't been reduced to a burning pile of rubble by Tim. He had managed to fuck up some registers in the two days I was absent however, so no change there then. The rest of the week has passed pretty quietly, except that we lost Dane through a
BMX related injury and although he came close to having his leg amputated he should pull through. We all miss him on site and his lack of presence is very noticeable.

Get well soon, big man!!
u can h8 BONO all u want but hes still hlping the world more than u ever will, evry morning he dosnt eat his breakfast, he puts it in a jiffy bag adn posts it to africca for a starvin kid to eat instaeed of him u r a hipocrit what have u eva done for the world except cmplain and bitch about thing HE HAS CHAGNED THE WORLD
peace and love
a U2 FAN
In response to the above:-
Pffff, Im sure Bono really actually does that... Im really sure he does... You know why Im sure, cos he's Bono and that definately must be true!
Learn to spell 'a U2 FAN'
Peace Alex! x
THANX U but i think i no more about bono than u, i was in a Youth group and band (pop/rock) and father eoin always let us play U2, he said BONO was a good roll model, like JESUS in mny ways
so u can SUCK MY NUTS
a U2 Fan
yay - you've gained enough blog cred to get abused by a random cretin. At last, the internet has accepted you into it's moronic bosom!
Sorry to hear about mr Dane, although I'd rather lick my own arse than wish him well ;)
Boner should be crucified like Jesus.
I concur with our good Lord Alex, get him on a cross.
Yes Bono, just like Jesus. Bono's clearly Hebrew and can perform so called miracles. Jesus did things selflessly, Bono does it for personal and public gratification and nothing more. He and Madonna can suck on your nuts, which I might add, isnt a very christian thing to say 'a U2 FAN'.
Peace Alex! x
jus becausse Bono isnt a JEW doesnt mean he isnt like Jesus!!!! what do u have against JEWS anyway??? BONO sings about peace (E.G. sunday bloody sunday, love and peace on Earth, pealce and love OR ELSE) Hes v rich but he still gies all his time to charity and gives millions of euros/dollars/pounds to charity, probbly 90%+ of his money which is MORE THAN U GUVE
alex u shoud be ashamed off what youve writen on your blog, i used 2 like it it was funny, byt now youve shoun your true colours..
a U2 fan
Hey U2 fan,
are you Bonos gimp or something?! He's not really changed the world, has he. He's not stopped any wars single handedly. He's not cancelled 3rd world debt. He's not out helping doctors in the arse end of nowhere in Africa. No. He's sat in his mansion wiping his arse on £50 notes whilst churning out bland nonsense whilst telling everyone else they need to spend their dole cheques on poor disease ridden infants 3rd world countries.
Stop idolising someone so useless.
PS - please also learn how to spell.
how do u no that bono hasnt done all that things?? for him buying a private jet is like u buying a hamburger so SHUT UP BOUT THAT. its like nothing, (he doesnt have pounds hehas €€€ euroes by the way.) hes inspured me thru the most painfull and challenging and hardest times in my life his words have been my insperation and light like with all those starving people in africa he helped who would be DEAD today if he didnt helped them.. so THINK ABOUT THAT 4 a minute
a U2 fan
U2 Fan, go and stick your head up Bonop's arse where it belongs, you fucking reptile. U2 are shit, so is Boner. You're a dick. So fuck off.
Im not Anti-Semetic... I never said I had anything against Jews... I just said Bono sucks and is nothing like Jesus :/
Sort your life out U2 Fan, bumming Bono and the fact that he can buy a jet like a hamburger does nothing but promote the already shit stain looking image that most normal people have of him. Oooo, also, if he is giving 90% of his wealth to some of the people who are dying in the developing parts of the world... how can he still afford these jets...
Stop putting people on a pedestal and sort your life out.
Peace Sotheran, You hero! x
THANKS alot your last comment, made me cry, saying to someone "sort your life out" who u dont even no is v hurtful. bono is special to me, he is like god, or the sun on a summers day, he make's everyting around him shine. it hurts when people like u and alex give so HATE when bono only knows how ot give LOVE
peace/love to all
a u2 fan :'(
U2 Fan, didn't we tell you to FUCK OFF. Cry me a fucking river.
Hi, yeah I'm a starving African baby and I'd just like to say that if it wasn't for Bono and his message of HOPE and LOVE, I wouldn't be here today. Bono is going to be the KING of Africa and Bob Geldof his Queen and YOU are giong to be sorry that you dissed him bad.
Peace, brothers and sisters.
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