Although this probably isn't actually happening at the Royal Gunpowder Mills WW1 Event, it's my impression of what I'm missing out on...
Also added to the piles of stress that I have had I have been having a running battle with Tim, one of the other supervisors, about his record keeping. Now, Tim may be fucking brilliant at painting Wargaming Miniatures, but his context sheets and registers could do with a little more work. Archaeology is by no means Brain Science, neither is it Rocket Surgery, but it seems to baffle Tim. As I have explained to him, at the most basic level is the importance of keeping good records. When the site is finished it is destroyed, we have no way of ever looking back at what we have done except through the records we keep as we go along. The very foundation of this record keeping are the registers. They help enormously during the post-excavation phase of the job but also they help so that we don't double up numbers during the actual site work. Every archaeological context we excavate has to have a number, it goes in the context register. Every drawing we do has to be given a number in the drawing register. Every sheet that every drawing is on also has to have a number which is put in the sheet register. Every photograph we take has to be entered into the photographic register. Do you see a pattern emerging here? Tim doesn't.
In Tim's world, I am a fucking mind reader who can second guess the work he is doing when I am not there on site. Usually I'm busy correcting his mistakes in the office. If I had a pound for each time I have had to rub out numbers or void them from the sheets and drawings, I would have about £3,987,456 and could retire from archaeology once and for all. Most basic of all, the registers are all sequential, i.e. 1001, 1002, 1003, etc (the thousand number indicates which trench is being excavated at the time, again so you know instantly where the number has come from). The most basic of basic maths. After nearly a week of beating this into him, Tim produced his context register for me to look at. It ran, I shit you not, like this:
I think he must have set up some random number generator to get the numbers, either that or he just PULLED THEM OUT OF HIS ASS!!! Without my calm and reassuring presence, God alone knows what state the site will be in tomorrow when I return to work, I'm half expecting it to be a smouldering pile of ruins with Tim standing over it shouting 'What the fuck is going on?!'

'And the next context number is...'
I was trying, in vain, to find a picture of Myleene Klass presenting the Lottery for the above illustration, so to finish up here is one of her in just her pants instead. Don't say I never do anything for you.

'Calm down Alex, everything's OK, forget about the context registers. Look, I'm in just my pants.'
I'm going round to see the neighbour's collection of pith helmets soon. Apparently he has a couple from the Afrika Korps, I'll take a photo if you promise not to wee yourself.
SHIT THE BED!!! They deserve a blog entry on their own!!
man, this one had me laughing out loud from recognition...
once, i worked with a volunteer who dumped several buckets of artifacts into a water screen, each bucket from a different unit/level. when someone asked what the hell he was doing and explained why this was not a good idea, he said "oh, i thought you guys sorted all that out at the lab later on". yes, because native americans were kind enough to label the artifacts for us beforehand so we'd know where they came from.
@ Str8ev, yeh I know what you mean, Archaeology seems to be poulated by Douchelords, I mean it's hardly taxing stuff, so i can't understand why so many people get it wrong...
You're right: your life is mundane.
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